Our Team

Shawn Kneipp, PhD, RN, ANP, APHN-BC

Co-Director, Pilot Project Program

Shawn Kneipp, PhD, RN, ANP, APHN-BC, is co-director of the Pilot Project and Emerging Issues programs and the Sarah Frances Russell Distinguished Term Professor at the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Nursing. Dr. Kneipp’s research focuses on reducing chronic disease morbidity and improving employment-related functioning for socioeconomically disadvantaged populations and has been supported by NINR, NIMHD, AHRQ and the CDC. In her role as the Pilot Project and Emerging Issues Co-Director, she oversees funding processes for developing new projects and investigators conducting research in the area of Total Worker Health®. She also teaches in the UNC Gillings Graduate Certificate in Total Worker Health®. Funded by NIMHD, her current R01 is focused on modifying and testing a multi-level intervention for socially and/or economically disadvantaged unemployed adults who receive employment assistance from community agencies in partnering counties.